
Windows 11 Event ID 2 Session Microsoft.Windows.Remediation failed to start

Windows 11 Event ID 2 Session Microsoft.Windows.Remediation failed to start with the following error: 0xC0000035



A.  Start, type/search "Event Viewer"
B.  On left-nav tree-side, open "Summary page events"
     (You may not have this report and I do not know how to force it to appear.)
C.  See Errors for Event ID 2 Microsoft Windows Remediation failed to start


1.  Start, type/search "Control Panel"
2.  Programs and Features
3.  Uninstall program "Microsoft Update Health Tools"

This program is only needed when upgrading from one version of Windows to another, and if needed, Microsoft will re-prompt to download and install.  This is safe to remove.

Uninstall "Microsoft Update Health Tools" regardless if you see this error or not.

Related articles:

For other Windows 11 Tuning tips, see

Windows Event ID 2505 - Could not bind to transport
Windows Event ID 2 - Windows.Remediation
Windows Event ID 137 - System firmware has changed the processors...
Windows Event ID 10010 - Did not register with DCOM
Windows Event ID 10016 - permission settings do not grant, could not bind

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