
SQL Server Express Services not Starting - Manual Start

Technical Note:  A local copy of SQL Server Express  (MSSQLServerExpress) is set to start manually and did not start after reboot.  Service Start, Stop, Startup Type = Manual are all greyed out.  Service Start, Service Stop are disabled.


* SQL is set to start Manually, but Start buttons are grey, unavailable, un-selectable
* Service Start greyed out (gray grayed out)
* Service Stop greyed out
* Startup Type = Manual and is unavailable (gray)
* Service was running when first installed, but is not running after a reboot

Application Error:
A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server.  The server was not found or was not accessible.  Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections.

SQL Server Management server fails with same message:
(provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -1)

SQL Server is not started
Service is set to start as a service account (e.g. 'sa' or other) account
Service Login is running with .\admin rights
Likely, your current desktop account does not have administrative rights


Run the service with administrative rights.  Start the SQL Server service while logged in with local desktop administrative rights.


1.  Click start menu, type "Services".
     Other-mouse-click the Start-Menu's 'services.msc'
     Select "Run as Administrator"

     Alternately:  Start a CMD prompt, running as "administrator"
     At the DOS Prompt, type "services.msc"

2.  In Services (local)
     Locate:  SQL Server SQL Express.
     Other-mouse-click, select "Start"

     Other-mouse-click Service:  "SQL Server Browser". Start.

3.  Close the Services window.

SQL Server is now available.

Notes:  This assumes the [LOGIN] tab's credentials have not changed.

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