
Lenovo Yoga 900 13ISK Black Screen Wake from Hibernate

Lenovo Yoga 900 13ISK does not wake from sleep or hibernation while plugged into AC power.

Laptop went to sleep / hibernate / hibernation while on AC Power.
On power-up, with or without AC, appears to boot / wake, but screen black; no activity.
Power-light (right-side edge) on.
No keyboard lights.

Rebooting does not resolve problem.

Immediate Recovery with hard-boot:
1.  Disconnect AC  (assumes battery is partially charged)
2.  Press and hold power-button for 20-seconds.  Release.
3.  Press and hold power-button for (2 seconds).  Release.
Machine should boot.

Long-term Solution:
A.  Update the Intel windows MEI driver.

Go to Intel.com
Search for the current Windows 10 MEI Driver (search "MEI").
As of 2020.06

Note:  For this laptop, Lenovo's support site lists an older version of the MEI driver, dated (late 2018) -- newer than the drivers that shipped with the machine but not as new as Intel's version.  This is the last version Lenovo officially tested.  Instead, download Intel's latest version.  

Installation requires administrative rights; you will be prompted for UAC approval.

Since this problem is indeterminate and not re-produceable, I may come back to update this article, but initial testing looks promising.

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