
Greenshot - ScreenCaptureProgram

Recommended - Greenshot Screen Capture Program

I do dozens of screenshots daily, using them for illustrations or for quick snapshot or reminder of something I need to do.  I typically have a dozen little windows open during the day, using them like a clipboard or an illustrated task-list.  And, of course, I use them to grab illustrations. 

Greenshot is my tool of choice and it is super-easy to use.  
Press PrintScreen, draw a rectangle around the topic. Press enter. 
Save the screenshot as a file, or onto a small editor window.

Greenshot is a community-developed tool; source code available on Github.  For Windows users, is free, where they ask for a light donation.  I like this tool better than Windows "snipping tool."

Download link:  https://getgreenshot.org/downloads/


Because my Windows user account is a non-administrative account, I had a minor problem when installing.  If your local account is an administrative account, skip these steps and simply install

Non Administrator installation: 

1.  Using File Explorer, create folders before starting the installation:

2.  Download the Installation (to your normal installation directory, typically, "Downloads"
     Download link:  https://getgreenshot.org/downloads/

3.  Using File Explorer, locate the downloaded file. 
     As of 2020-04, "Greenshot-Installer-"
     Shift-Right-Click the .exe,
     Choose "Install as another user"; use your administrative login.

Related articles:
Quit using an administrative account for day-to-day work.

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