Minor editing required:
This script reports from a fixed list of Webapps. The script shows results from a webapp called "http://moss" and others. See the bottom of the PS1 script, under "Main". Edit web-apps to meet company requirements.
Run from an Administrative Powershell session on any Sharepoint App Server.
Example Output:
- Console Report (illustrated) - Sorted by In-Use
- CSV export with full details (not illustrated)
PS Script:
If ((Get-PSSnapIn -Name Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null )
{ Add-PSSnapIn -Name Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell }
# Generate a console and CSV quota report for all Site Collections in common SP2010 web apps.
# No need to edit script
# Designed for SP2010
# This script depends on .\append.ps1, in the same directory
# To run: Open Sharepoint Admin Powershell Console; run as Administrator
# PSP10app01 E:\SharePoint\PowerShell\QuotaReports: .\quotareport.ps1
# Output: CSV file (see top of console report)
# Output: Console report showing %Occupied)
# Author: Terry Henry, Aaron G., Tim Wolf
#Include local current-directory script * Required!
. .\append.ps1
$script:webapplication = "" #See main module, below
$script:outputfile = "QuotaReport.csv"
$script:iSiteCollectionCount = -1
$script:aSiteCollections = @()
# Onscreen Reporting arrays:
# Delete previous output file
If (Test-Path $script:outputfile)
Remove-Item $script:outputfile
catch [System.Exception]
Write-Host Unable to delete previous output file $_.Exception.Message
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Functions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Report-SiteStats
if ($webapplication.toLower() -eq "all")
$databases = Get-SPContentDatabase
$databases = Get-SPContentDatabase -WebApplication $script:webapplication
foreach ($database in $databases)
#Write-host $script:iSiteCollectionCount $dbresults.url
$dbresults = Get-SPSite -ContentDatabase $database.Name -Limit All | Select ID, URL, `
#@{Name="Site Owner"; Expression={$_.Owner.Email}}, `
@{Name="Site Owner"; Expression={$_.Owner.DisplayName}}, `
@{Name="Secondary Owner"; Expression={$_.SecondaryContact.DisplayName}}, `
@{Name="Quota"; Expression={"{0:N0}" -f ($_.Quota.StorageMaximumLevel/1GB)}}, `
@{Name="StorageUsed"; Expression={"{0:N0}" -f ($_.Usage.Storage/1GB)}}, `
@{Name="PercentUsed"; Expression={"{0:N0}" -f ( ($_.Usage.Storage/1GB) / ($_.Quota.StorageMaximumLevel/1GB )*100)}}, `
#@{Name="Last Modified"; Expression={$_.LastModifiedDate = $web.LastItemModifiedDate.ToString('d')}}, `
@{Name="Last Modified"; Expression={$_.LastContentModifiedDate}}, `
@{Name="Last Modified Year"; Expression={$_.LastContentModifiedDate.Year}}, `
@{Name="Last Modified Month"; Expression={$_.LastContentModifiedDate.Month}}, `
@{Name="Last Modified Day"; Expression={$_.LastContentModifiedDate.Day}}, `
@{Name="ContentDB"; Expression={$_.ContentDatabase.Name}}
if($dbresults -eq $null)
# Ignore empty Site Collections
$dbresults | export-csv -path $script:outputfile -NoTypeInformation -append
#Store in an array for later reporting...
$script:aSiteCollections += $dbresults | Select URL,'Quota','StorageUsed',@{Name="PercentUsed"; Expression={[int]$_.'PercentUsed'}}
#Example code when calling by @.FieldName (esp if fields have embedded spaces)
#$script:aSiteCollections[$script:iSiteCollectionCount] = $dbresults.'Quota'
#$script:aSiteCollections[$script:iSiteCollectionCount] = $dbresults.'PercentageUsed'
catch [System.Exception]
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main routine
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
write-Host Generating Site Collection Quota Report...
$webapplication = "http://moss"
write-host $webapplication
$webapplication = "http://CML"
write-host $webapplication
$webapplication = "http://JIVA"
write-host $webapplication
$webapplication = "http://TEAMS"
write-host $webapplication
Write-Host Site Collections by Percentage Quota Used:
$aSiteCollections | sort-object "PercentUsed" -Descending| format-table -AutoSize
Write-Host Empty Site Collections not listed
Write-host csv written to current directory
write-host Done
My thanks to Aaron G. for his assistance.
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