This is a free Keyliner download that is a stand-alone executable. No installation or configuration is required. This program does not require registration, nor are there ads or nagware. Free to use for personal and commercial use. Tested on Windows 7 through 11.
For a company's public wireless access, we needed a way to generate passwords with a one-week life-span, starting Monday morning through the next Sunday night.
This program generates several year's worth of weekly passwords, writing results to a tab-delimited file.
When run, it writes a simple tab-delimited text file, editable with Notepad or Excel. In the three columns are that week's password, the starting date and an ending date. If you only need passwords, check the option [x] Passwords Only, or simply ignore the dates.
No spying, no adware, no registration, no logins, no kidding.
Follow these steps for a more professional installation:
A. Download the .ZIP to a Download or Temp folder:
From Keyliner's public GDrive, click this link and download to a local temp or download directory. Do not download directly into ProgramFiles.
Download ZIP link
Public GDrive Download Link:
Direct link:
MD5: c7-47-fc-51-ac-6b-65-c5-31-2f-e1-db-cf-95-af-0e
SHA256: 324fdede08e6b645e09f58d84e2185ee79fc33184d859ce665596dbcaf13cabe
When downloading, different browsers behave differently.
You may be prompted the file cannot be scanned. Click "Download anyway"
B. Mark the ZIP as safe-to-run:
(This step may not be needed if downloaded by Edge and you clicked "More / Download Anyway")
Using File Explorer, right-mouse-click the downloaded .zip
Select "Properties"
Check [x] Unblock. This removes the "mark of the web."
![]() |
Click for larger view |
Once [x] Unblocked is clicked, this security menu disappears.
C. Create a Program folder to hold the program:
Create a folder C:\Program Files\Util
D. Separately, Copy the .exe and two other support files to ProgramFiles\Util:
Double-click to open the downloaded .ZIP
Copy and paste these three files from the download folder
E. Create a Start Menu icon:
1. Launch the program.

2. Choose a password strength.
Default = "High"
(12-character passphrase, Caps, digits, likely multi-word, depending on length)
For documentation:
Lowest = 8 Char, Capitals, No numbers
Low = 8 Char, Capitals, Numbers
Med = 10 Char, Capitals, Numbers
High = 12 Char, Capitals, Numbers, likely multi-word
Higher = 14 Char, Capitals, Numbers, multi-word
Highest = 16 Char, Capitals, Numbers, multi-word
Optionally select "[x] Require special characters"
3. Set the Count for how many passwords to generate.
100 is two year's worth of weekly passwords.
4. Type an output file path and filename or accept the default:
5. Pick a Start Date (any Date) or ignore if not important.
Set the Cycle Date; which defaults to a 7-day password rotation.
6. Click Generate.
7. Click the Notepad icon to view the resulting file. Example results:
The generated list has passwords and dates.
To generate the file without the dates, choose [x] Password Only, no dates
Randomization Notes:
The intent is to generate multiple, random passwords (passphrases), but over the course of several hundred runs, it may assemble the same phrase. This is okay. Theoretically, you are assigning the phrase to different users or across wide time spans.
To help block dictionary attacks, at strengths "Higher" and above, the program generates multi-word phrases.
Password lengths are guaranteed to be the minimum length indicated, but are often longer, with variations in lengths. For example, a "High" password will be a minimum of 12 characters, but will randomly generate longer, 12 to (16) characters. This makes passwords less predictable.
When generating single passwords, press ctrl-C to copy the password to the clipboard.
Drop me a note on how you used the program. I welcome suggestions.
Humor: Earlier versions of this program generated these passwords: "FriskyHamster27". Management called. Program modified. I am still fond of FriskyHamster.
2025.03 Updates:
Recompiled using .dotNet 8.0 libraries
Added several hundred-word randomizations
Added "password only" option
Added clipboard capabilities
Added Set Sunday/Monday start dates
For an interesting discussion on passwords and for the reasons for this program's design, see this keyliner article: Link: "Better Safer and Stronger Passwords"
Download link
Public GDrive Download Link:
keyliner link: Better Safer and Stronger Passwords
keyliner link: Calculate MD5 Checksums