
Disable Cursor and Menu Animations in Office 2013

Disable cursor and menu animations in Office 2013
Slow scrolling in Excel 2013
Slow cursor positioning in Excel 2013 (Office 2013)

In Office 2013, when clicking cells, typing, scrolling, selecting menus, etc., especially in Excel and Word, it now uses animation to give the movement to the action.  For most of us, it "feels" intolerably slow.

Microsoft did not expose an option for disabling this feature.  Use the Registry Editor to correct.  If you have never worked in the Windows Registry, do not panic; the steps are easy.

1.  Run "RegEdit"  (the Windows Registry Editor)

- From the Windows 8 tile menu, click anywhere on the background
  or from the Windows 7 Start Menu, press and hold the Windows key-R (for "Run")

- Type the word "Regedit" (press Enter)  e.g. Start, Run "Regedit"

2.  On the left-side tree diagram, scroll to this location, expanding folders, as needed.


a.  In the Registry Editor's left-nav, scroll down the tree, opening these folders by clicking the "triangle" next to each folder:

b.  Highlight (single-click) the "Common" folder.
"other-mouse-click" the highlighted Common folder, choose  "New, Key"

Click all images for a larger size
c.  In the new Key name field (see new folder on left-nav), type "Graphics"  (case-sensitive).  You are renaming the "New Key #1" field.  Press Enter to accept the new key-name.

3.  Look to the right side of the program.  In the newly-built Graphics folder, which is empty except for a "default" value, activate the right-side of the panel by clicking once on a blank area (the detail side of the panel).

- In the detail pane, "other-mouse-click" a blank area on the panel,
- Choose "New", "DWord (32-bit) Value"

- Name the new value "DisableAnimations" (case-sensitive, no spaces).  Press Enter

- When prompted, assign "DisableAnimations" a value of 1 (hex).  Click OK to save.
If you are not prompted, double-click the new DWord value:

4.  Close the Registry Editor.  Changes take effect immediately.

This value is set per-user.  Multiple users (or roaming users), who login to the Windows Computer, will each need to make this change. This change will not work if applied to HKLM.

Here is the Registry Merge file, if you are so inclined:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Many sites on the web recommend turning off all Windows (8) animation, using
My Computer, Desktop, Properties, Advanced System Settings, Performance, and disabling "Animate controls and elements inside Windows".  This would be a mistake, disabling all animation, everywhere in Windows.  If you just wanted to target office, this document is a better solution.

Related articles:
Stop Excel Active Hyperlinks
Excel User Defined Functions - very cool
Excel VLookups - Comprehensive How-to
Excel - Parse City-state-Zip


Documentation - CityStateZip Public Functions

The Keyliner class Library "cl801_CityState" will parse any City-State-Zip field and return its constituent parts.  This post describes the public methods and is meant for reference

See this article for a complete description of the class library, with download instructions
Keyliner: City-State-Zip DLL - Reliably Parse CSZ Fields

Example Standard City-State-Zip:
Salt Lake City UTAH 84101 1234

Returned Constituent parts:
City:    Salt Lake City
State:   UT

ZipCode: 84101-1234
Zip5:    84101

Zip4:    1234

or Return a fully-assembled and re-punctuated CSZ:
Salt Lake City, UT 84101-1234

For documentation, these are the public methods in the class library.

Class Library (DLL) "cl801_CityState"

Public Methods

public string ns801CityState_About()
Returns a string pointing to this article.

public string ReturnFormattedCityStateZip (string strpassedString) 
This returns a fully formed CSZ string, such as "Boise, ID 83700-1234", punctuated and supertrimmed.  

Pass any CSZ field, formatted in any fashion, to this method
Returned is a single string: "City, State-Code Zip5-Zip4" 

States are resolved to USPostal two-character State-Codes, when possible
Properly punctuated, fully assembled, in the same upper-lower-case (case) as sent
Military, Canadian, and US Territory codes are supported

For example:
"Boise,   Idaho     83700 - 1234"  -- returns "Boise, ID 83700-1234"
"Boise ID 83700" -- returns "Boise, ID 83700"
"Miles City 83700" -- returns "Miles City 83700"  (note no comma)
",Utah 83700" -- returns "*, UT 83700"  (note the asterisk)

Do not use this method if you want to individual fields returned;  Instead, call the individual field methods, below.

This method is relatively inefficient because it calls each of the field routines below, and then re-assembles the results, making numerous calls the same parsing routines.

public string ReturnStateName (string strpassedString)
This returns the State-Code (State Name), Province, or US Territory Code, favoring US Postal recommendations when possible, but falling back to the as-typed version if it cannot be resolved.

For example,
"Id.", "ID", "Idaho", "Ida." -- all return "ID"
"N.Y.", "ny", "NewYork", "New York" -- all return "NY"
"S.C.", "S. Carolina", "S.Carolina", "South Carolina" -- all return "SC"

Canadian Province, U.S. Territories, and Military codes are supported.

Pass a standard CSZ string (e.g.  "Salt Lake City, Utah 84101"), with or without punctuation, returns "UT".

If the State-code cannot be reconciled against the US Postal recommendations, the state is returned, as-typed.  For example, "Boise, zIdaho" returns a state-value of "zIadaho", as typed.   The comma helps the decision.

Without a city-comma, the routine will return correctly-spelled State names or State-Codes and abbreviations into the STATE field; other wise, they are appended to the City Name, making the address likely still deliverable.  For example:

Boise Idaho 83700  -- returns State Code "ID"
Boise Zidaho 83700  -- returns State Code "" (empty), with city "Boise Zidaho"

public string ReturnCityName (string strpassedString)
Returns the City name from any CSZ string, with or without a city-comma.

A comma is not required to parse the city name, but in some instances, a comma will return better results, especially if the State-name is non-standard or non-determinable.

Multiple-word City names are supported:

"Post Falls, ID 83700"  -- returns "Post Falls"
"Post Falls ID  83700"   -- returns "Post Falls"
"Salt Lake City Utah"  -- returns "Salt Lake City"

The returned City name is in the same case (upper/lower) as-typed.
Your calling routine should upper-case or proper-case as needed*

Missing City names, such as a badly-formed CSV file, behave differently, depending on the city-comma.  For example, consider this string, with a leading comma:

",ID 83700"  --returns CityName = "*" (an asterisk)

indicating a required city is missing and this will not be deliverable by the post office.  The asterisk helps identify bad records.  Zipcodes can span multiple cities and in most cases, a city is required.  (However, with a zipcode, the State is optional, see below).

Badly-formed records, without a city-comma, will return a city name and will result in a deliverable mail, albeit it won't be "liked" by the Post Office:

"Boise 83700" or
"Boise, 83700"
-- returns CityName = "Boise";  State-Code = (empty). 

public string ReturnZipCode (string strpassedString)

Returns the complete Zip or Postal-Code, including Zip-5+Zip4, as one string.  As with most public methods in this class, pass a fully-formed CSZ as the passed-string; returned results will be the ZipCode, fully-formed and punctuated.

For example, passing
"Boise, ID 83703-1234"  -- returns "83703-1234"
"Boise, ID 83703 1234"  -- returns "83703-1234"
"Boise, ID 837031234"  -- returns "83703-1234"
"Boise,    ID    83703"  -- returns "83703"
"Belleview ONT K01 1B2"  -- returns "K01-1B2"  (Canadian)

"Amherst MA 1003" -- returns "01003" - leading zero was stripped, typically by Excel, and re-added.
"Baton Rouge, MI" -- returns "" (empty-string - missing postal code)

Note: Does not confirm the ZipCode against the State, nor is the zipcode cross-checked for accuracy.

public string ReturnZip5 (string strpassedString)
Returns the Zip5-part of the ZipCode, stripping Zip4.  Pass a fully-formed CSZ (City-State-Zip) into the method and get returned the Zip5.

For example, passing
"Boise, ID 83703-1234" -- returns "83703"
"Boise ID 83703 1234"  -- returns "83703"
"Boise Idaho 837031234"  -- returns "83703"
"Boise, ID 83703"  -- returns "83703"
"Boise, ID"  -- returns "" (empty string)
"Belleview ONT K01 1B2"  -- returns "K01-1B2"  (Canadian)
"Belleview ON K011b2"  -- returns "K01-1B2"

public string ReturnZip4 (string strpassedString)
Returns only the Zip4-part of the ZipCode, if present.  Pass a fully-formed CSZ (City-State-Zip) into the method and get returned the Zip5.

For example, passing
"Boise, ID 83703-1234"  -- returns "1234"

"Boise Idaho 837031234"  -- returns "1234"
"Boise, ID 83703"  -- returns "" (empty string - no zip4 information)
"Boise, ID"  -- returns "" (empty string, no zipcode passed)
"Belleview ONT K01 1B2"  (Canadian)  -- returns "" (empty string)

public string ReturnStateAbbr (string strpassedString
When passed a State Name or abbreviation, returns the US Postal recommended two-character State-Code, Province, or US. Territory.  This routine is called by all other public State methods and you do not need to call this routine directly.  It is exposed as a public method, should you find other needs. 

For example, passing
"Id"  -- returns "ID"
"District of Columbia"  -- returns "DC"
"W.V."  -- returns "WV"
"W.Virginia"  -- returns "WV"
"West Virginia"  -- returns "WV"
"W Virginia"  -- returns "WV"

If a State (province, etc.) cannot be resolved, the original string is returned, unmolested.  Common variants are supported (N.Y., NewYork, etc.).  Advise the author if you find any missing.

State-Codes can be parsed, with or without a comma (the city-comma), but work best when a comma is present.  See "ReturnCityName" for more information on comma-processing

public string ReturnCountryName (string strpassedString
Returns the Country name, if typed on the CSZ line (be aware most people address the Country name on a separate envelope-line and it would not be seen or processed by this routine).

For example:
Boise, ID 83700-1234 U.S.  -- returns "U.S."
Belleview ON LDU-9Z1 Canada  -- returns "Canada"

This routine is relatively stupid.  Basically, everything to the right of the Zipcode is considered a Country name.  No effort is made to validate as this is just a parsing routine. 

Other Public Methods included in this Library:

public string SuperTrim(string strpassedString)
Trims multiple leading, trailing and redundant interior spaces from a string.
Space-hyphne-Space (" - ") are compressed into a single hyphen.
Leading commas and hyphens are stripped (orphaned commas, orphaned hyphens).
Trailing hyphens are stripped.
EM and EMM dashes (long dashes) are replaced with simple hyphens.

For example:
"   The     rain  falls.  "  -- returns "The rain falls."
"Boise  , ID 83700 - 1234"  -- returns "Boise, ID 83700-1234"
",ID 83700"  -- returns "ID 83700"

public int CountWords(string strpassedString)
Returns a numeric count showing how many words are in the string, where words are delimited with a space or hyphen.  Words are super-trimmed prior to counting -- multiple embedded spaces are compressed.  For example:

"Three   dog   night"  -- returns 3
"My three sons-and a daughter"  -- returns 6


public string ReturnFirstWord(string strpassedString)
public string ReturnLastWord(string strpassedString)
Returns the first word or last word in a string.  If only one word passed, that word is returned.  The string is simple-trimmed before processing.  Hyphenated words and other punctuation are not considered in these routines.

public int FindLastSpacePos(string strpassedString)
Returns a numeric, base-zero count showing the last space (character) found in the string - Horizontal Position.  This is a simple ".LastIndexOf(' ')" and does not account for multiple interior spaces.  For best results, supertrim prior to calling.

public string TruncateTrailingPunctuation(string strpassedString)
Removes all manner of trailing punctuation on a string, including commas, periods, special characters. This uses a .TrimEnd(array) method.

See this article for a complete description of the class library, with download instructions
Keyliner: City-State-Zip DLL - Reliably Parse CSZ Fields